Exploration well will start next autumn (German)
May 29, 2010 – Die Rheinpfalz Landau
Heat from the depths (German)
Winter 2009 - E2Aktuell (EnergieEffizienzAgentur.E2A)
Geophysical survey squad makes the Gollenberg vibrate
January 15, 2009 - Die Rheinpfalz
Geophysical survey squad makes the Gollenberg vibrate
January 14, 2009 - Die Rheinpfalz
30 Million Euros for geothermal power plant (German)
December 20, 2008 - Die Rheinpfalz
On the search for the energy source of the future (German)
May 27, 2008 - Die Rheinpfalz Nr. 121
Geothermal drilling begins (German)
May 24, 2008 - Die Rheinpfalz Nr. 119